Sunday, April 11, 2010

i lost you

There's something about the past
that made my high school memory last.
Something that keeps on reminding
the feelings that seem to be hiding,

We were born to be schoolmates
and suddenly became classmates.
Our last name start with the same letter
having him as my seatmate is much better.

Started when i got bored.
after erasing the notes on the blackboard
Went to the restroom to get rid of the chalk dust
perfectly coating my hands blown away by a simple gust.

Making my way downstairs i saw him running.
Probably he's gonna be late that's why he's rushing.
My eyes followed him secretly while thinking.
All of a sudden there i was, outside of his room standing.

A modest creation with a bland expression
carrying a pearl complexion which attracts a lot of attention.
First time i got enticed by the scent he wears by surprise
wish someday, somehow, when we meet, he would be nice.

Then random switches happen for an unknown reason
when he got promoted to our section in the right season.
I was shocked coz i thought my sketched imagination won't happen,
good thing just in time my humble pencil is perfectly sharpened

Most of my friends know i like the person
and they promised not to say it coz i would be in prison,
but two of them started baffling and intentionally revealing
the admiration i have for the one who i think is appealing.

We used to talk and laugh about things
when he still has no idea about my feelings.
Then everything came to an end and he felt morosely,
ignoring my presence and taking everything seriously.

At first i felt sad knowing i lost somebody
who treated me kind but in the end thinks i'm nobody
Oh well it's all good coz i have already accepted
how it feels if you're like being rejected.

If i could just turn back the time
Keeping my mouth shut telling i don't have a dime
Are we gonna be friends like we used to be?
Or be strangers who watched the first episode of glee?

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